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  • Writer's picturebobbilynnnorman

what we are all here for anyways


the textures of the rainbow

remind me to stick together

like glass on hot air

we are all flying sideways

trying to retrace occipital memories

stored in our third eye

& this time I am bright-

this time I will suffocate anything

that isn’t glory

I will climb like the mountain goat I am

I will speak softly in my own ear

I am enough


because what else is there other than rain clouds and forest fires and the droughts in California and fucking COVID and heartbreak and people dying left and right and all flying sideways

all you have is you and them and all you have left is love after everything else

it is the source of why we do anything;

whether it’s lack or because we have


let the balloons fly swiftly open

let the air out

fucking breathe

its been a hard two years on everyone

so let’s cheer on the crowds

laugh at our own jokes

compliment a stranger

eat a cupcake

go out differently this time


stop exploring so many places you don’t need to go anymore

stop searching for the approval of people that do not understand your kindness

who do not understand your story

leave out the rats, but let them have their place

maybe visit for some breakfast

but not take them home to bed

leave that light on for yourself

your bedroom, a sanctuary

live every minute of your loneliness

respect your solitude, respect the pen

& placement of the stars

your mania, your crazy

your hopes, nail polish, and it’s remover

eraser of all things red and heavy

take me away from what is not fuzzy

and warm and pure

my white, sweet comforter

give me something to write about

let me, you, the World

weep in their beds

burn your throat with a shot of

gin and then get your ass back to work

never apologize for not knowing any better

never apologize for being more than a ghost

make yourself bigger than air balloons

drop the weights

all fast at once

or one by one on your timeline-

always your choice

stop for nothing

or for everything

to burn it all to the ground

& smile at how we are all just so damn messy

all the fucking time

with marker on our left hands and knotted up yarn in our hearts. bones, organs, and blood trying to hold all that weird emotion together.


spill out if you need to

let the rain drive with you

let it be the passenger

let it retrace occipital memories

of what we are all here for anyways

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